4-Cast # 009: 02-06-06 -- Dale Syverson, Peggy Gram, And Joe Liles... all in the same issue!
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Yep... Late Again!

We talk with Dale and Peggy, SAI Queens of Harmony, Judges, and founders of "The Part Shop" seminars.

We learn a tag from Raymond (and we get to hear the Channukah tag from Jason's answering machine).

Then we talk with Joe Liles (BHS Employee of the decade) about the Society's tag contest, Harmony University and more.

OK, so it's a long one again to make up for the time...

Here is the cue sheet for this episode
4-Cast009.mp3 (38.5 MByte)
Web Links from 4-Cast #009

Dale And Peggy
Rumors Quartet
Richtones Chorus
BHS Tag Contest
Harmony University

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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