4-Cast # 011: 5-05-06 -- Tony DeRosa and Gary Lewis
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We talked to these two gold medalists in January and finally we're able to put their interview on the web!

This episode focusses on the conversation that Eric and Alan had with Tony DeRosa (Keepsake, Platinum, and now MaxQ) and Gary Lewis (Real Deal (College), Platinum, and now MaxQ)

And we learn a cool (popular) tag from a new international level lead.

Here is the cue sheet for this episode if you are burning it to a CD
4-Cast011.m4a (31.9 MByte)
Update! - We put out an update on the contest and maybe a few more things - Episode 11.5 is here! (10:41) 4-Cast011.5.m4a (4 MByte)
Web Links from 4-Cast #011

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